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Model: Rallis ASATAF 75%SP
Asataf is a 75% SP formulation of Acephate, a versatile organophosphate insecticide with both contact and systemic action. It is particularly effective on severe infestations of sucking and chewing insects of tobacco, sugarcane, cotton, chillies, vegetables, fruits and cereals. It has low toxic..
Brand: Rallis India Pvt Ltd
Model: Rallis BLITOX 50W
BLITOXBlitox is a 50% WP formulation of Copper Oxychloride, a very effective Fungicide for the control of diseases on field, garden and plantation Crops. Blitox is extensively used on blights of potato and tomato, fruit diseases, mildew of tobacco, vegetables, diseases of coffee, tea etc.Packag..
Brand: Rallis India Pvt Ltd
Model: Rallis CAPTAF
CAPTAFCaptaf is a 50% WP formulation of Captan, a Broad Spectrum Fungicide. It gives excellent protection against a wide variety of fungal infections in crops both at seeding stage and in mature plants. It therefore serves both as a seed- dresser and as a foliar spray to control seed-borne dise..
Brand: Rallis India Pvt Ltd
Model: Rallis ERGON
ERGONErgon 44.3% SC is a noval strobilurin Fungicides developed indigenously by the Rallis India limited for the management of Grape Downy Mildew & Powdery mildew diseases. It is also known to provide quality yield benefits apart from providing protection from different diseases in crop lik..
Brand: Rallis India Pvt Ltd
Model: Rallis HUNK
HUNKHUNK (Acephate 95% SG) belongs to the Organophosphates insecticide group. Its mode of action is Systemic and targets Stem borer, leaf folder & BPH on Paddy.It has strong systemic molecule and is highly soluble and longer duration controlIt has less odour and hence easy to useIt has got a goo..
Brand: Rallis India Pvt Ltd
Model: Rallis MANIK
MANIKManik is a 20% Soluble Powder formulation of Acetamiprid. It is a highly effective systemic Insecticide for the control of Aphids, Jassids and White Flies in Cotton. It is an Insecticide belonging to the modern Neonicotinoid group of Insecticides. Manik controls sucking pests with both con..
Brand: Rallis India Pvt Ltd
Model: Rallis MASTER
MASTERMaster is a wettable powder formulation of 64% Mancozeb + 8% Metalaxyl, a combination fungicide effective against downy mildew of grapes and other Crops. It is also used to control late blight of potato and tomato, blotch of onion, damping off in tobacco, cardamom etc.PackagingAvailable i..
Brand: Rallis India Pvt Ltd
Model: Rallis RALLIGOLD
ALLIGOLDRalligold is a Unique mycorrihzal rooting stimulant containing humic acids, VAM, Kelp, vitamins & amino acids.Better germinationRapid root growth & Nutrient uptakeImproved fertilizer use efficiency of applied fertilizerExcellent yield enhancementIncreased no of TillersBetter grain fi..
Brand: Rallis India Pvt Ltd
Model: Rallis REEVA-5
REEVA 5Reeva 5 is a 5% EC formulation of Labmda Cyhalothrin. It is a non-systemic Stomach and Contact Insecticide with little fumigant action. Reeva 5 is recommended for the control of Bollworms, Jassids and Thrips in Cotton, Leaf Hopper, Stem Borer, GLH, Gall Midge, Hispa, BPH & WBPH,..
Brand: Rallis India Pvt Ltd
Model: Rallis SOLUBOR
OLUBORSolubor is a Water Soluble form of Boron, containing 20% minimum Boron and helps correct Boron deficiency in crops.Solubor is unique in its solubility and quick absorption into the plant system.Used for crops like cotton, vegetables, oilseeds, fruits etc.Helps in preventing flower/boll dr..
Brand: Rallis India Pvt Ltd
Model: Rallis TAFABAN
TAFABANTafaban is a 20% EC formulation of Chlorophyriphos, the highest sold Organophosphate Insecticide in the world. Chlorophyriphos is also one of the highest selling Insecticides in the country. It is commonly used in the control of Fruit Borers, Stem Borers and Leaf Eating Caterpillars on a..
Brand: Rallis India Pvt Ltd
Model: Rallis TAFETHION
TAFETHIONTafethion is a 35% EC formulation of Ethion, an Organophosphate Insecticide with Acaricidal Properties. It is very effective against Mites especially on Chillies, Cotton, Fruits and Vegetables.Ethion is an Organophosporus Insecticide and Acaricide with quick knock down and long la..