Fertiliq Micronutrient sprayFertiliq :Fertiliq is a popular multi micronutrient spray suitable for all crops . For correction of micronutrient deficiency in all the major crops.It contains perfect blend of almost all the micronutrients required for higher yield.Fertiliq is popular from last so many ..
Cotmax - Micronutrient spray for Cotton CropCotmax : A perfect blend of all micronutrient in right proportions .Its a foliar spray , Plants are capable of taking in nourishment through their leaves as well as their roots. Foliar sprays work quickly to give your plants the micronutrients they need, a..
Product FeaturesIt is a mixture of partially chelated micro nutrients in balanced proportion.Can be applied as foliar spray and through fertigation.Optimum mineral elements in liquid form...
Product featuresMicronutrient chelate liquidHigh concentration of micronutrients along with chelating agent.Provides essential nutrients to crops and increase their growth.ContentsZinc as Zn-EDTA = 3%Manganese as Mn-EDTA = 1%Molybdenum as Mo = 0.1%Copper as Cu-EDTA= 1%Boron as B = 0.5%Iron in comple..
Product featuresIt is an organic complex of biologically derived material and has an organic certification.Contain Hydrolysed proteins, crab shell extract and seaweed extract.Seaweed extract contains abundance of trace minerals as well as plant growth hormones that can quickly stimulate plant growth..
Product featuresA multifunctional spray adjuvant which serves as -AcidifierAuto pH indicatorPenetration aidWetting agentSpreaderEffective across whole spectrum of products – fungicides, insecticides, herbicides, foliar nutrients and PGRsContents:Water pH balancerBenefits
Reduces pH of the spray s..
Brand – NUTROZENSite of action - Systemic balanced nutrition to plantCrop - All CropsTarget pest - Provided nutrition, immunity and health to the plantDose\Acres - 400 ml/acre..
चित्तीदार तरल सूक्ष्म पोषक तत्व:डॉ। पोषक तत्व आयरन मैंगनीज, जस्ता, तांबा, मोलिब्डेनम और बोरान जैसे आवश्यक तत्वों का मिश्रण है।यह पौधों को पूरी तरह से पर्ण स्प्रे के लिए संतुलन पोषण की आपूर्ति करता है और छिपी हुई भूख का ख्याल रखता है जो फसलों पर लक्षणों के माध्यम से आसानी से नहीं देखा जा सकता है। डॉ।..
It is a well balanced formulation of micronutrients, which increases the overall metabolism and yield of crop plants by supplying proper nutrients.Product concept: Intensive cultivation practices using high yielding varieties of crop plants has led to the depletion of the essential nutrients fr..
Chealated Liquid Micronutrient:sampurna Gold is a mixture of essential elements like Iron Meganese , zinc, copper, Molybdenum and boron.It supplies balance nutrition to the plants thorough foliar spray and takes care of hidden hunger which can not be easily seen through symptoms on t..