Buy 3 units of Micronutrients and get 1 unit Absolutely free !!
Buy 3 units of Micronutrients and get 1 unit Absolutely free !!
Brand: Shree Pesticides and Chemicals
Model: Coffer M-50
Coffer M-50 is a multi micronutrient mixture in powder form . It is 100% Water soluble ideal for spraying as well as for drip irrigation .It contains all the micronutrient element Magnesium, Zinc,Copper,Boron,Manganese,Ferrous,Molybdate in perfect blend.Coffer M 50 , a micronutrient powder that cons..
Brand: National Pesticides and Chemicals
Model: fertiliq
Fertiliq Micronutrient sprayFertiliq :Fertiliq is a popular multi micronutrient spray suitable for all crops . For correction of micronutrient deficiency in all the major crops.It contains perfect blend of almost all the micronutrients required for higher yield.Fertiliq is popular from last so many ..
Brand: Shree Pesticides and Chemicals
Model: cotmax
Cotmax - Micronutrient spray for Cotton CropCotmax : A perfect blend of all micronutrient in right proportions .Its a foliar spray , Plants are capable of taking in nourishment through their leaves as well as their roots. Foliar sprays work quickly to give your plants the micronutrients they need, a..
Brand: Shree Pesticides and Chemicals
Model: Ammonium_molybdate
Ammonium molybdate is an odourless crystalline compound. It is used as an analytical reagent to measure the amount of phosphates, silicates, arsenates and lead in aqueous solution. It is also used in the production of molybdenum metal and ceramics, in the preparation of dehydrogenation and desulphur..
Brand: Solufert
Model: borax
BoraxBorax, also
known as sodium borate, sodium tetraborate, or disodium tetraborate, is an important boron compound, a mineral,
and a salt of boric acid.
Powdered borax is white, consisting of soft colorless crystals that dissolve easily
in water.
Brand: Solufert
Model: Copper_Sulphate
Copper Sulphate is available in both crystals as well as powder . Copper is mostly used in Citrus and many other fruit crops . Bags:25 Kg50 KgComposition of copper sulphateCopper Sulphate PentaFormulaCuSo4 5H2OPurity96%Copper24.5%Pb20 ppm maxAs / Cd20 ppm maxInsolubles0.2% maxThe product offer ..
Brand: Shree Pesticides and Chemicals
Model: Dr. Nutrient
चित्तीदार तरल सूक्ष्म पोषक तत्व:डॉ। पोषक तत्व आयरन मैंगनीज, जस्ता, तांबा, मोलिब्डेनम और बोरान जैसे आवश्यक तत्वों का मिश्रण है।यह पौधों को पूरी तरह से पर्ण स्प्रे के लिए संतुलन पोषण की आपूर्ति करता है और छिपी हुई भूख का ख्याल रखता है जो फसलों पर लक्षणों के माध्यम से आसानी से नहीं देखा जा सकता है। डॉ।..
Brand: Shree Pesticides and Chemicals
Model: Ferrous_Sulphate
Ferrous SulphateFerrous Sulphate : FeSo4Ferrous Sulphate Hepta is available in Crystal and powder form . The appearance is light green crystals . The readily available Ferrous ( Iron ) in Ferrous sulphate is 19% . Specification Ferrous SulphateFeSo4ApperanceLight GreenPur..
Nano –Calcium( Amino Acids Base Calcium Chelate ,Ca- 12%)Calcium, an essential part of plant cell wall structure, provides for normal transport and retention of other elements as well as strength in the plant. Ca is involved in formation of seeds and grains .Calcium is essential for apical growth of..
Model: NanoFerrous
NanoFerrous - Chelated Ferrous -Amino Acids Base Ferrous-Iron Chelate Fe- 12%Nano–Ferrous(Amino acids base Ferrous Chelate,Fe- 12%)Causes of iron deficiency :iron is present in the soil but in forms not available to plants. Imbalance of metallic nutrients such as copper and manganese, excess of phos..
NANOMAGNESIUM - संबंधित मैग्नीशियम-अमीनो एड्स के आधार पर मैग्नीशियम CHELATE- 100%
नैनो मैग्नीशियम (एमिनो एसिड बेस मैग्नीशियम चेलेट, Mg- 6%)
मृदा में मैग्नीशियम की कमी वृक्षारोपण और फलों की फसलों को नुकसान पहुँचाती है और कई बार खाद्य फसलों को भी। यह प्रमुख पोषक उर्वरकों के इष्टतम उपयो..