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Brand: Syngenta India
Model: Alika
Mixture of contact & systemic insecticide, Dosage – 80 ml per acre, Thiamethoxam (12.6%) + Lambdacyhalothrin (9.5%) ZC, Excellent product for the Right Start of the crop with effective control against sucking pests. Exhibits good overall crop outlook and better crop greening with more bran..
Brand: Syngenta India
Model: Amistar
Broadest spectrum Strobilurin with an excellent environmental file, optimizing yield and quality in a wide range of crops. Convenient to use and with a proven track record, AMISTAR provides a competitive return on investment...
Brand: Syngenta India
Model: Ampligo
AMPLIGO 150 ZC is encapsulated in tiny ZEON® capsules (ZC), Acts faster and quick results are visible, Dosage – 80 to 100 ml per acre, Excellent insecticide mixture containing Chloratranilprole (10 %)+ Lambdacyhalothrin (5%) ZC, Visibly fast acting insecticide mixture having ovi - larvicidal a..
Brand: Dupont India
Model: Coragen
Coragen® insect control powered by Rynaxypyr® uses a breakthrough mode of action to deliver remarkable protection against biting and chewing pepper pests.As part of an IPM program, Coragen® helps optimize yield and quality with reliable, consistent control of major pests on pepper crops.Techni..
Brand: Syngenta India
Model: Folio Gold
Use Rate : 400 ml/ acre. Folio Gold 440 SC, FOLIO GOLD is used primarily against diseases caused by oomycete fungi, such as downy mildews and late blights, FOLIO GOLD is used primarily against diseases caused by oomycete fungi, such as downy mildews and late blights. Its dual action gives more effec..
Brand: Syngenta India
Model: Kavach
Kavach is a broad spectrum contact fungicide and is highly effective against Anthracnose. Fruit Rots, Tikka disease, Early and Late Blight on various crops. Gives outstanding results when used prophylactically.It is ideal as an alternate round with systemic fungicides like Ridomil Gold controlling o..
Brand: Syngenta India
Model: Pegasus
Pegasus is a new specialty, research based insecticide from Syngenta for the excellent control of whitefly nymphs and mites. It is specially made for vegetables. It has unique water soluble packaging made for accuracy in dosage and user safety.90Rs shipping charges will be extra charge on all syngen..
Brand: Crystal Crop Protection Limited
Model: Procliam
Proclaim is a Naturally originated insecticide having powerful control at low use rates of Key lepidopteron pests on variety of crops...
Brand: Syngenta India
Model: Ridomil_ gold
Specific fungicide for control of oomycetes fungi (e.g. late blight and downy mildew diseases). Can be applied to foliage, soil or as a seed treatment. Key crops: potatoes, grapes, tobacco, vegetables, citrus, tomato, turf and ornamentals.90Rs shipping charges will be extra charge on all syngenta pr..
Brand: Syngenta India
Model: Score
Score provides a high level of activity against a wide range of plant pathogenic Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes including species of Alternaria, Septoria, Cercosporidium, Venturia, Powdery Mildews and several seed borne plant pathogenic fungi. 90Rs shipping charges will be extra charge o..
Brand: Syngenta India
Model: Syngenta Actara
Syngenta Actara Thiamethoxam 25% WG Insecticide 100 Gm ACTARA belongs to a new chemical class neonicotinoids, used for the control of Aphids, Whitefly & Jassids (sucking pests). ACTARA is a robust insecticide which is fast acting and therefore rapidly taken up by the plants.Highly effective at l..
Brand: Syngenta India
Model: Syngenta Amistor Top Fungicide
Syngenta Amistor Top Fungicide 100 mlTechnical Name: 200 g/L Azoxystrobin + 125 g/L Difenoconazole Description:Amistar Top belongs to strobilurin group. It is a fungicide with protectant, curative, eradicant, translaminar and systemic properties. Amistar inhibits mitochondrial desperate. A..