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Brand: Ankur Seeds Pvt Ltd
Model: ARTH Arnav-(3053)
Ankur Hybrid Tomato ARTH Arnav-(3053) (10g) vegetable seeds1. Semi determinate plant type2. Flat round shape3. Average Fruit weight is 65-75 gm4. First picking at 60-65 Days after transplanting.5. Good firmness5. Good continuity in fruit bearing with good fruit uniformityavailable in 10g pouch..
Brand: Ankur Seeds Pvt Ltd
Model: ARTH Ranveer-(3054)
Ankur Hybrid Tomato ARTH Ranveer-(3054) (10g) vegetable seeds :1. Semi determinate plant type2. Flat round shape3. Average Fruit weight is 60-70 gm4. First picking at 62-70Days after transplanting.5. Moderate firmness.Available in 10g pouch..
Brand: Jindal Crop Science Pvt Ltd
Model: Jindal-Kapil Tomato Hybrid Seeds-10GM
Jindal Tomato Hybrid Seeds, Kapil
Tall determinate plants of medium maturity. The top class
fruits extremely uniform, smooth & ovel shape.
Excellent firmness & color. Fruits have very good keeping
quality & are suitable for long transporation.
A high yielding Hybrid.
Brand: Jindal Crop Science Pvt Ltd
Model: Jindal-Shankar Tomato Hybrid Seeds-10GM
Jindal Tomato Hybrid Seeds, Shankar
Fruit colour light green turns red in maturituy. 4 lobes
medium Thick, good keeping quality. Plant Type: determin
ate Plant height: Brushy plant with Brached -4feet.
Tolerant to TYLCV. First harvest: 60-65 days.
High yielding variety.
Weight: 10GM..
Brand: Jindal Crop Science Pvt Ltd
Model: Jindal-Tarun Tomato Hybrid Seeds-10GM
Jindal Tomato Hybrid Seeds, Tarun
Fruit colour deep red with green shoulder. Medium size,
Flattish round to oblate fruit. Plant type : determinate.
first harvest- 60-65 days from planting. Tolerant to
TYLCV disease. Fruit set under high temperature &
tolerant to fruit crack .
Brand: sungro seeds
Model: Hybrid Tomato 3618
Sungro Hybrid Tomato 3618 SeedsPlant
Semi Indeterminate plant habit
First picking of fruits initiates 70-75 days after transplanting
Tolerant to ToLCV
Fruits are sour in taste
Fruits are flattish round in shape with average weight of 70-80 gm
Brand: sungro seeds
Model: Hybrid Tomato Krishna
Sungro Hybrid Tomato Krishna SeedsPlant
Determinate plant habit.
Fruits are square round shaped with average fruit weight of 80 gm
Fruit colour is deep red (ripened) with white shoulder
First picking of fruit initiates 60-65 days after transplanting
Brand: VNR
Model: VNR-F1 63 Hybrid Tomato Vegetable Seeds
VNR Hybrid Tomato Vegetable Seeds F1 63 :Sowing Period 1:Auguest - DecemberFirst Harvest:75 - 80 DaysSeed Quantity Per Acre:60 - GmsSowing distance between rows/ridges:60 - 90 c.m.Sowing distance between plants: 30 - c.m.Sowing Depth:0.5 - c.m.Disease Tolerance:Bacterial Wilt & TLCVS..
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 (1 Pages)