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Mahadhan – Zn EDTA Chelated Micronutrient Fertilisers
What nutrients does it contain?
Mahadhan – Zn EDTA contains Zn @ 12%
Suitable for drip and foliar application.
What is it & how does it help in crop nutrition?
Mahadhan Combi (M.S.) contains 1% Cu, 2.5% Fe, 1% Mn, 3% Zn and 0.5% B. It is suitable for drip and foliar application
Mahadhan Combi (Guj) contains 0.2% Cu, 2% Fe, 0.5% Mn, 5% Zn and 0.5% B. It is suitable for drip and foliar application
Mahadhan Fe EDTA contains 12% Fe. It is suitable for drip and foliar application
Mahadhan Zn EDTA contains 12% Zn. It is suitable for drip and foliar application
Mahadhan DOT ( Di Sodium Octa borate Tetra Hydrate) contains 20% B. It is suitable for drip and foliar application
Mahadhan DTB ( Di Sodium Tetraborate Penta Hydrate) contains B @ 14.6% B. It is suitable for soil application
They enhance the availability of micronutrients to crops
They increase nutrient use efficiency of crops
They induce tolerance to pests and diseases.
How does it benefit farmers?
With improved crop quality and higher crop yields, farmers earn more from their farming
Farmers can use them in a wide variety of crops, both in plantation and field crops.
What are the crops in which farmers could use it?
Fruit crops and vegetable crops