Brand: UPL Limited
Model: UPl_phoskill
Phoskill ( Monocrotophos 36% SL )Active Ingredient36% SL monocrotophos CropsTargetsBlack GramPod borerCardamomThripsCitrusBlack aphid MitesCoffeeGreen bugCottonAphids Bollworms Grey weevil Jassids Thrips WhiteflyGreen GramPod borerMaizeShoot flyMangoBug mite G..
Brand: UPL Limited
Model: UPl_avancer
Avancer Glow (Azoxystrobin 8.3%+Mancozeb 66.7% WG)Active Ingredient8.3% azoxystrobin 66.7% WG mancozeb CropsTargetsChiliAnthracnose Leaf spot Powdery mildewGrapeAnthracnose Downy mildew Powdery mildew..
Brand: UPL Limited
Model: UPL DOST Super
Active Ingredient38.7% CS pendimethalin CropsTargetsChiliChenopodium album Dinebra arabicaCottonAmaranthus viridis Brachiaria muticaOnionDactyloctenium aegyptium Digitaria sanguinalis Echinochloa colonum Eragrostis minorSoybeanEuphorbia hirta Portulaca olerac..
Brand: UPL Limited
Model: UPl_imidacloprid 17.8
UPL Imida Gold ( Imidacloprid 17.8% SL )Active Ingredient17.8% S.L. imidacloprid CropsTargetsChiliAphids Jassids ThripsCitrusLeafminer PsyllaCottonAphids Jassids Thrips WhiteflyGrapeFlea beetleGroundnutAphids JassidsMangoHopperOkraAphids Jassids&nbs..
Brand: UPL Limited
Model: UPL Iris
Active Ingredient16.5% sodium acifluorfen 8% EC clodinafop propargyl Quick FactsIris is post- emergent broad spectrum selective herbicide for Soybean.It has quick action on weeds and also very easy to use.Dose- 400 ml/Acre and Application Time – 15-25 Days after sowing when wee..
Brand: UPL Limited
Model: UPL_imazethapyr
Active Ingredient10% SL imazethapyr CropsTargetsGroundnutCommelina benghalensis Cyperus difformis Eragrostis Erogrostis pilosa Trianthema portulacastrumSoybeanCroton sperrsifiorus Cyperus difformis Digeria arvensis E.crusgalli Echinochloa colonum Eup..
Brand: UPL Limited
Model: UPL_Saaf
Active Ingredient12% carbendazim 63% WP mancozeb Quick FactsWith a legacy spanning decades, SAAF is among the most trusted fungicides in India, effective across a range of crops and diseases.CropsTargetsChiliFruit rot Leaf spot Powdery mildewGrapeAnthracnose Down..
Brand: UPL Limited
Model: UPL_spolit
UPL Spolit ( Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG) Active Ingredient5% SG emamectin benzoate CropsTargetsBrinjalFruit borer Shoot borerCabbageDiamond back mothChick PeaPod borerChiliFruit borer Mites ThripsCottonBollwormsGrapeThripsOkraFruit borer Shoot borerRed GramPod borerTeaTea..
Brand: UPL Limited
Model: upl_startup_saaf
UPL Start up Saaf Active Ingredient12% carbendazim 63% WS mancozeb CropsTargetsGroundnutCollar rot Root rot Tikka leaf spotPaddyBrown spot Seedling blast Sheath blightPotatoBlack scurf Leaf blightWheatLoose smut..