Out Of Stock
Delivery Mode :
We are having tie-up with almost all the major transports , Once we receive the order , we dispatch the material immediately to the transport , and book it on to pay basis, and once we receive the LR copy , we forward the same to you , For material more than 250 Kg we can send the material by GATI also at very reasonable rates
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Chemical Identity & Composition:
Blend of Anionic/Non-ionic surfactants, Fatty Alcohol Ethoxylate/Sulfited Organic Ester
Mode of Action:
Once applied on Leaf Surface, it quickly sticks, uniformly spreads and activates effectiveness of Pesticides/Foliar Fertilizers.
Biostadt'd 4-in-1 can be applied with Insecticides, Fungicides, Herbicides as well as Foliar Fertilizers.
Biostadt'd 4-in-1 can be used on all crops including plantations, vegetables etc.
It has unique property of rain fastness for its use in high rainfall area.
It enhances dispersion of Wettable Powder.
Preventive as well as Curative Action.
It reduces spray drift.
Being Anionic/Non-ionic does not get neutralized.
Use 1 ml/litre along with Insecticides, Fungicides and Foliar Fertilizers.
Use 1-1.5 ml/litre along with Herbicides.
Preparation of Spray Solution:
Do not mix directly in the spray tank.
Use only clean water.
Add required quantity of Biostadt's 4-in-1 in clean water and stir it thoroughly.
Add required quantity of Pesticides / Foliar Fertilizers to get homogenized suspension.
Used In Following Countries:
- Stock: Out Of Stock
- Weight: 0.00kg
190 Units sold
This product has a minimum quantity of 10
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