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Planting Distance: 40-60 cm apart; for pot culture 20-30 cm pots are suitable.
Watering: Zinnias prefer heavy watering in longer spells, rather than by frequent light watering. Zinnias planted in the garden should be watered twice a week, and potted ones should be watered every alternate day.
Feeding: Zinnias can grow very well in poor soil with mortar from old building mixed with it, and an occasional application liquid manure made out of cow dung.
Plant care: Zinnias can get affect by a viral disease called spotted wilt, as a result of which the leaves get curled. Spotted wilt is spread by thrips, which should be kept under control by a spray of insecticides. It is advisable to uproot and destroy affected plants.
Bloom time: 1.5 to 2 months after seed sowing.
Pinching: The plants tend to flower at a young age. The seedlings should be pinched to delay flowering and make them bushy.
Disbudding: The first bud of the double flowering Zinnia is of inferior quality, and hence it should be removed.