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Coragen® insect control powered by Rynaxypyr® uses a breakthrough mode of action to deliver remarkable protection against biting and chewing pepper pests.As part of an IPM program, Coragen® helps optimize yield and quality with reliable, consistent control of major pests on pepper crops.
Technical Name : Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 % w/w
Mode Of Action : Broad Spectrum Insecticide
Crop : Tomato,Brinjal,Chilli & other Vegetables.
Target Pest : Coragen® insecticide provides an effective and long duration of insect control with its unique mode of action in crops like Sugarcane, Rice, Soybean, pulses and vegetables by controlling all Lepidoptera and other species. This makes Coragen® an excellent solution for pest management and enable farmers to achieve good quality produce and better yields
Offer Pack is of 60 ml delivery right to your doorstep