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Victoria African Marigold Flower Seed

Victoria African Marigold Flower Seed
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Victoria African Marigold Flower Seed
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  • Marigolds are grown by transplantation method.
  • The seeds are sown in May-July for monsoon flowering, August-October for winter flowering and February-March for summer flowering.
  • Seeds are sown thinly in nursery beds/ seed pans/seedling trays.
  • Fine sandy soil is required for seedbed (Outdoors), or coco peat is used as sowing medium for seedling trays (Indoors)
  • Before sowing the seeds, soil/coco peat should be made slightly moist.
  • Immediately after sowing the seeds, watering should be done carefully with a fine rose-can.
  • Seedlings are allowed to grow on seedbeds/trays kept in semi-shade.
  • One-month-old seedlings are transplanted in pots or flower beds.
  • Seedlings should be transplanted in high-quality rich soil or potting mixture.

  • Planting Distance: 30-45 cm apart in flowerbeds or 25 cm pots.

    Watering: Water the marigold plants twice a week in winters, every alternate day in summers. Provide plenty of water to potted plants as well.

    Feeding: The African double marigold needs well manured and moist soil. The soil should be cultivated well, and a good dose of cow dung manure (8-10 kg per square meter area) should be incorporated into the soil to obtain double flowers in abundance.

    Plant care: Marigolds are hardy plants and are rarely attacked by diseases. In poorly drained soil, footrot caused by Phytophthora may occur. Prophylactic spray or drenching with Blitox is helpful in checking the foot rot.

    Bloom time: 2.5-3 months after sowing of seeds.

    Pinching: The seedlings tend to produce flower buds at a comparatively young stage. These should be pinched off to obtain bushy and compact growth.

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    • Stock: In Stock
    • Model: Victoria African Marigold Flower Seed
    • Weight: 0.00kg
    1910 Units sold
    This product has a minimum quantity of 10
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